Modern Foreign Languages

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

MFL Policy 2023-25

Progression Map French

National Curriculum Languages


Subject Leader – Mr Harmes

‘Hola / Ni Hao / Marhabaan / Habari / Guten tag / Bună / Namaste / Mbote / Ciao…’


Bonjour tout le monde. Je m’appelle Mr Harmes. I have been teaching at St. Anne’s for 8 years; mostly in Year 5, but now working in Year 3. It is a brilliant place to work as I am surrounded by dedicated and inspirational teachers and learners. As those of you who know me will testify, I am passionate about languages. I am a fluent French speaker and I have a working knowledge of German and Italian. I am currently learning Spanish and Arabic and hope to become confident enough to converse in these before too long!

I studied French and English Literature at the University of Reading, spending one year abroad in Lyons, France at Université Lyon II Lumières. After completing my studies, I became an Interpreter and Translator, working mostly in the Public Sector for the Home Office, Police and Courts Service. During more than 10 years in this role, I was fortunate enough to meet people from many different backgrounds and nationalities. This has given me an understanding and great appreciation of diverse cultures from around the world. I feel very privileged to have gained this experience, making some wonderful friends in the process and I am keen to share what I have learned with others with the hope that they too will develop a passion for language and cultures.

 I speak French every day with my wife, who is a native French speaker. My children have grown up listening to French at home and my daughter has gone on to University to study French, Spanish and Mandarin. When I can, I love to travel abroad to experience different places. I am passionate about the history, cuisine, music and popular culture in the places I visit. Recent family holidays have taken me to France (of course), Spain, Cameroon and Turkey.

I believe effective communication is crucial to better understanding one another. When we develop our awareness of different cultures, beliefs and viewpoints, when we listen carefully to others, when we respect differences and are curious to discover underlying factors which shape our who we are, greater tolerance and understanding is achieved. Language learning is a fantastic way in which to master these skills. Speaking and understanding different languages gives us the keys that can unlock many doors. Linguists are inquisitive, patient, tolerant, culturally aware problem solvers. These are the qualities and life-skills that pupils at St. Anne’s Stanley develop through their learning of French and other languages.

Learning a second language can be challenging. At St. Anne’s Stanley, we address this by encouraging the use of French in different aspects of the school day. Teachers consolidate skills taught in discrete lessons with further repetition and providing opportunities to practise listening to, speaking, reading and whole school celebrations play a vital role in bringing everyone together to experience and enjoy different cultures.

Progression overview MFL-French 


Educandy Games : – 

FrenchBody(1)Educandy FrenchGreetingsEducandy FrenchNumbers1-10EducandyFrenchColoursEducandy FrenchEyesEducandy FrenchHairEducandy FrenchNumbers1-30Educandy FrenchNumbers11-20Educandy FrenchNumbers20-31EducandyFrench10-60Educandy FrenchBody(1)Educandy FrenchBody(2)Educandy FrenchFamilyEducandyFrench10-100Educandy

Knowledge Organisers: – 

Autumn 1                                    

KO- French Yr3 Autumn 1  KO- French Yr4 Autumn 1  KO- French Yr5 Autumn  KO- French Yr6 Autumn 1  

Autumn 2           

KO – French Yr3 Autumn 2  KO – French Yr 4 Autumn 2  KO – French Yr 5 Autumn 2 KO – French Yr 6 Aut 2

Spring 1                                            

KO – French Yr3 Spring 1  KO – French Yr4 Spring 1   KO – French Yr5 Spring 1 KO – French Yr6 Spring 1

Spring 2

KO – French Yr3 Spring 2 KO – French Yr4 Spring 2 KO – French Yr5 Spring 2 KO – French Yr6 Spring 2

Summer 1

KO – French Yr3 Summer 1 KO – French Yr4 Summer 1 KO – French Yr5 Summer 1 KO – French Yr6 Summer 1

Summer 2

KO – French Yr3 Summer 2 (1) KO – French Yr4 Summer 2 KO – French Yr5 Summer 2

Half termly overviews: –

Autumn 1

Y3 Autumn 1 Planning Overview   Y4 Autumn 1 Planning Overview  Y5 Autumn 1 Planning Overview  

Y6 Autumn 1 Planning Overview

Autumn 2

Y3 Autumn 2 Planning Overview   Y4 Autumn 2 Planning Overview  Y5 Autumn 2 Planning Overview  

Y6 Autumn 2 Planning Overview 

Spring 1

Y3Spring1Planning Overview Y4Spring1 Planning Overview  Y5Spring1 Planning Overview  Y6Spring1Planning Overview

Spring 2

Y3Spring2 Planning Overview Y4Spring2 Planning Overview Y5Spring2 Planning Overview  Y6Spring2 Planning Overview

Summer 1

Y3Summer1Planning Overview Y4Summer1Planning Overview Y5Summer1 Planning Overview Y6Summer1-2 Planning Overview

Summer 2

Y3Summer2Planning Overview Y4Summer2 Planning Overview Y5Summer2 Planning Overview

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The Francophonie (in French, La Francophonie), also called the OIF (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie), is an international organisation consisting of 57 member states and governments, three associate members and twenty observers.

La Francophonie includes countries
– where French is the first (mother) or customary language 
– where a significant proportion of the population speak French or
– where there is a notable affiliation with French culture

There are an estimated 175 million French speakers in the world, but members of la Francophonie have a combined population of about 600 million people.

Click on the link below to open a unit of work about La Francophonie. There are video clips, quiz questions and activities designed to help you learn about the diverse cultures of French speaking countries around the world. 

Voyage en Francophonie

Y6 Eye of The Wolf by Daniel Pennac


We have recently completed our English class novel for the autumn term – The Eye of the Wolf.  This was originally written in French and translated into English. After we completed the novel we then watched the animated movie in French. We could easily follow the story as we had studied the book and many of the French words and phrases are what we learn in our French lessons.

Eye of the wolf 2 Eye of the Wolf