Coronavirus Updates and School

Any new information can now be found at the top of the main page menu. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Fraud Guide

COVID-19 Vaccine Fraud Poster

Free school meal

COVID Phase 3 Primary School Reopening Risk Assessment – Reviewed 4th January 2021

Letter to parents 08.01.2021 (1)

Covid outbreak letter 11th January (1)

Letter to Parents SRMA 10.1.21

Letter to parents 08.01.2021

2021 Helpline for Settings & Families Flyer.docx

Letter to parents 5.1.21 – Children of key workers

REVIEWED COVID Phase 3 Primary School Reopening Risk Assessment – Reviewed 4th January

SCHOOL LETTER to parents 4.1.21

Move to online learning 4th January 2021

SCHOOL LETTERHEAD to parents – Christmas


REVIEWED COVID Phase 3 Primary School Reopening Risk Assessment – Reviewed 4th December 2020 (1)


St Anne’s bubble isolation

Merseyside schools letter
letter to parents october half-term (2)

Warning letter to parents



REVIEWED COVID Phase 3 Primary School Reopening Risk Assessment – Reviewed 30th September 2020

05October 2020 Liverpool City Council Letter To ParentsMCC


Translation of guidance for parents and carers on early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term

We have translated our guidance for parents and carers with children in nursery, school, or college in the autumn term.

The guidance is now available in the following languages:



COVID Poster for parents

ipad letter to parents

Letter to parents end and start of day

Letter to parents 11.09.2020

School COVID alert letter (1)

Start of Term Letter for Parents and Carers Sept 2020

Return to School Letter to Parents and Carers Sept 2020

September Reopening Risk Assessment

September Reopening Plan

Returning to school in September 2020 Video

September Opening Letter 2020 for parents

Holiday Provision during summer

Letter to Parents & Carers Return Sept 2020

Given the current economic position and number of increased redundancies, some children may become eligible for FSM after schools have closed for the summer.  The message below  – advises what a parent should do if they become eligible for FSMs during the summer holiday period.  

Information for parents/Carers: Free School Meals –

If your circumstances change and you think your child is eligible for free school meals after the schools close for the summer break you need to apply for FSMs using the link below


If you are eligible, you will receive a notification confirming this.  During school’s summer holiday period, you will be sent vouchers by Liverpool City Council on a fortnightly basis.

Open letter to all parents from Simon O’Brien, Liverpool City Region Cycling and Walking Commissioner

Back to School Support booklet

Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings for children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

We have published guidance for providers that run community activities, holiday clubs, after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school provision for children. We are aware many providers are already considering what protective measures to put in place to allow them to reopen more widely and as safely as possible during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

This new guidance will support their planning and advises on practical steps they can take to minimise the risk to children, staff and parents who attend. Providers who open should implement this new guidance from the end of summer term, when state schools in their local area have closed. Until then, while schools are open in a provider’s local area, they should follow the same protective measures as schools to limit different groups of children mixing.

We have also published guidance for parents and carers setting out what they need to know about changes to after-school clubs, holiday clubs, tuition, community activities and other out-of-school settings for children and young people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have included information on what clubs and activities children and young people can attend, and what new safety measures parents and carers can expect them to have in place.

The guidance for providers can be found here:

The guidance for parents and carers can be found here:

Updated guidance on what parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

We have updated the guidance on what parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have added content on summer provision, school uniform and a package of support worth £1 billion to support pupils to catch up. We have updated content on school meals and the Covid Summer Food Fund.

The guidance can be found here:

English safeguarding leaflet – WEB

The Children’s Society child abuse poster

PRESS RELEASE v2 7 6 20 (1)

Parents back to school guide v2 (compressed images)LH (002) (1)

Letter for Year 6 return Wednesday and Thursday

Letter for Year 6 return Monday and Tuesday

letter to all parents 8.6.20 Year 6 (1)

year 6 letter to parents 9.6.20

Letter to children 8.6.20

letter to parents for week beginning 8th June

Letter to all parents 01 June 2020

Half-term provision for primary aged children

During the half-term period from Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May there will be a limited number of places for primary children aged 5 to 11.

There are a limited number of 72 places available for children where there are two key worker parents both working out of the home at the same time next week. 

  • North: Rice Lane Farm – 20 places. Open 9am to 4pm – available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost: £20 per day per place.
  • Central: Out of this World, Joseph Lappin Centre. Open 8am to 6pm – up to 32 places. Available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost £20 per day per place.
  • South: Five for Families Speke – 20 places. Open 9am to 4pm – available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost: £30 per day per place.

Places are only available in exceptional circumstances. Places will be allocated on prioritised need for key critical workers and first come first served. Please email to discuss a place.

Staff who have worked in all types of education settings for the last three months need a break during half term and some will also be working to prepare their school for opening to key workers children and vulnerable.

Employers, including those of key workers, should also recognise that their staff need a break. As above we will do all we can to accommodate those with no alternative options.

Friday 22nd May 2020 Letter from Mrs Simons

letter to parents 18.5.20

SR – Letter to parents – 15.05.2020

Parents re Prime Minister announcement (1)

Update for parents from Mrs Simons

Letter for children from Mrs Simons

Helpline for SEND & Families FLYER

Liverpool Parent and Carers blog



Covid 19 Parenting Blog VER 3

Dave-the-dog-How to explain Coronavirus to young children


What parents in lockdown need to know about digital resilience

Talking to children and young people about COVID-19

Coronavirus questions – 25.03.20


School Closures – A guide for parents

Hub website information 21st March 2020

Letter to parents 19th March 2020

Home learning links during school closure

Coronavirus letter to parents 18th March 2020


16-3-2020 Liverpool Head Teachers etc – CV-19 Update for Schools


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