Welcome to Year 1B



Teacher: Mrs Bell.

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Whittaker

PE is every MONDAY. Please ensure your child is dressed in their P.E. tracksuit on this day.

Homework and spelling books are given out every Friday and expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.  In addition, we are introducing our children to new vocabulary every week. These words will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible in conversation. 

Your child is learning to read and write through developing their phonic knowledge and skills. You can learn more about phonics and how you can promote your child’s literacy by following the link to our phonics webpage: https://st-anne-stanley-school.co.uk/learning/curriculum/phonics/ 

Please encourage your child to read a few pages of their Oxford Owl home reading book every night. Using our Oxford Owl login details (as below), you can access free Oxford Owl e-books at  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ 

Username: year 1b st annes
Password: OxfordOwl

Please also encourage your child to read and re-read their Read Write Inc. book bag book.

Teach Your Monster to read is another great online resource that you can use to further support your child in developing their reading skills. Please follow the link at: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book.

We love to read in our school and believe ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’. 

A child

A book

A read

A chat

That is the way the mind grows

Not with a test, but a tale…

Michael Rosen

Your child is registered to use MyMaths, an online platform where you will find tasks and activities that support your child’s learning of mathematics. Please follow the link at:  https://www.mymaths.co.uk/ You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book. 

You can support your child in their learning across the curriculum through accessing activities on Education City. Please click on the link below and enter your child’s ‘City Pass’ i.e. login details. You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book. 

Information for Parents/Carers

Return to School Letter to Parents and Carers Sept 2020

September Reopening Risk Assessment

September Reopening Plan

Start of Term Letter for Parents Sept 2020


Recovery Curriculum Map Year 1 2020-2021

Curriculum Map Year 1 2020-21 


Year 1B’s Home Learning Timetable 

Click on the link below for our home learning timetable which includes suggested times and online resources to support your child’s learning during a covid-related absence. During this time, your child will also need to access Google Classroom which will provide specific resources that link with our current curriculum including videos teaching phonics and maths. Your child’s login details for Google Classroom are in their home learning bookbag which includes their home learning book together with stationary. 

Year 1B Home Learning Timetable


Year 1B’s Learning Journey 


We are developing our phonic knowledge and skills using Read Write Inc. We are broadening our vocabulary. We work together to collect words before using our vocabulary vault to write a sentence. We stack our sentences to create stories. We love ‘experience lessons’ where we immerse ourselves in drama and sensory experiences inspire our writing.

Autumn Term English

Independent Write: Thursday 3rd September 2020

Independent Write: Thursday 24th September 2020

Independent Write: Thursday 19th November 2020


We learnt how to write effective sentences for a story through exploring high-quality children’s literature. We explored fictional books such as ‘Class Two at The Zoo’ by Julia Jarman; ‘Who’s Our New Teacher’ by Jeanne Willis; and ‘Aarrgh Spider’ by Lydia Monks. We learnt how to group ideas together for similarity; write in the third person; use the appropriate tense; write simple sentences using a pronoun and verb; and use simple connectives to construct sentences e.g. and, but, then, so. We learnt how to use rhyme for effect through exploring poems such as ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough.

We began learning the spelling, grammar and punctuation for year 1. We began learning:

  • To use regular plural nouns with ‘er’
  • To use third person, first person singular verbs
  • Endings added to verbs where there is no change to the root word
  • The simple past tense ‘ed’
  • To add ‘er’ and ‘est’ to adjectives where there is no change to the root word
  • To join words and sentences using and/then
  • To use spaces to separate words
  • To use full stops
  • To use exclamation marks
  • To use capital letters for the start of sentences, names and personal pronouns.

Spring Term English

We are learning how to write effective sentences for a story through exploring fairy tales and traditional tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Mary and the Twelve Months. We are learning how to: signal the beginning and end of a narrative; group ideas together for similarity; write in the third person; use the appropriate tense; write simple sentences using a pronoun and verb; and use simple connectives to construct sentences.

We will learn how to construct effective sentences in non-fiction writing through exploring non-chronological reports such as ‘The Big Cat Report’. We will learn how to: start sentences with imperative verbs; use sentences that do not include pronouns and are written impersonally; group ideas in sentences in time sequence using time adverbials; and use numbers or bullet points to signal order. Our non-fiction work i.e. our Big Cat report will be supported by fictional texts with similar themes, relevant vocabulary etc. e.g. Wombat Goes Walkabout by Michael Morpurgo.

We are continuing to learn the spelling, grammar and punctuation for year 1. We are learning:

  • To use regular plural nouns with ‘er’
  • To use third person, first person singular verbs
  • Endings added to verbs where there is no change to the root word
  • The simple past tense ‘ed’
  • To add ‘er’ and ‘est’ to adjectives where there is no change to the root word
  • To join words and sentences using and/then
  • To use spaces to separate words.
  • To use full stops
  • To use exclamation marks
  • To use capital letters for the start of sentences, names and personal pronouns.


Our maths curriculum is based on White Rose Maths. You can promote your child’s learning through engaging your child in the activities set out in the parent workbooks. The workbooks reflect your child’s learning in school. You will find a workbook for each block of maths lessons at the following link: https://whiterosemaths.com/parent-workbooks/

We applied our developing understanding of number in our maths party!

Autumn Term Mathematics

Number: Place Value (Within 10)

We built upon our knowledge of numbers to 10, We learnt how to count, read and write numbers to ten in numerals and words. We learnt to identify one more and one less of a given number within 10.

Addition and Subtraction (within 10)

Using objects and pictorial representations, we learnt how to identify and represent numbers within 10. We performed addition and subtraction (within 10). We learnt how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals (=) signs.

Geometry: Shape

We learnt to recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes.

Number: Place Value (within 20)

We continued to deepen our understanding of number through learning how to count to 20 forwards and backwards beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.  We learnt how to read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words and how to find one more/one less of a given number (within 20).

Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

Using objects and pictorial representations, we learnt how to identify and represent numbers within 20. We performed addition and subtraction (within 20). We learnt how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals (=) signs.

Spring Term Mathematics

Number: Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

We are learning how to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero. We are learning how to represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20.

Number: Place Value (within 50)

We are learning how to count to 50 forwards and backwards beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. We are learning how to read and write numbers to 50 in numerals and words. We are learning how to identify and represent numbers (within 50) using objects and pictorial representations, including the number line.

Measurement: Length and Height

We will learn how to measure and begin to record lengths and heights. We will learn how to compare, describe and solve practical problems related to lengths and heights.

Measurement: Weight and Volume

We will learn how to measure and begin to record mass/ weight and capacity and volume. We will learn how to compare, describe and solve practical problems related to mass/weight and capacity and volume.


Autumn Term Science


We undertook a senses investigation. We used our five senses to help Ella to find her missing bear. 

Parts of Animals

We learnt to identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body. We learnt to identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We described and compared the structure of a variety of common animals. We learnt to say which part of the body is associated with each sense. We investigated the 5 senses through gathering and recording data.

We made wind socks and took them outside to measure the strength and direction of the wind. 

Seasonal Changes

We learnt about the four seasons; the name for each season and the differences between the seasons. We identified and designed weather symbols for the different types of weather associated with each season. We observed and measured weather conditions e.g. temperature, wind strength, precipitation etc. and day length. We described and recorded our findings with a view to comparing our findings across the seasons. We explored the accompanying changes to plants and animals in our local environment.

Spring Term Science

Everyday Materials

We are learning how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, distinguishing between the object and the material from which it is made. We are learning how to describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials. We are comparing and grouping together materials on the basis of their physical properties. We are performing a simple test to investigate which material, of a given range of materials, is most suitable for an umbrella.

Types of Animals Including Humans

We will learn how to identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will learn how to identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We will work scientifically through identifying and classifying animals according to the categories that we have learnt. We will also work scientifically through making observing using simple equipment.


Autumn Term RE

We had lots of fun tasting harvest foods from around the world. 

We explored the Jewish festival of Sukkot. In celebration of Sukkot, we built sukkahs. A sukkah is a temporary hut with three walls.  As part of the festival of Sukkot, Jewish people reside inside a sukkah to thank God for sheltering their ancestors during their journey to the Promised Land. 

Harvest Around the World

We explored harvest around the world. We enjoyed a harvest celebration and learnt about where our food comes from. We compared harvest festivals around the world and explored how people help others around the world. We learnt about the symbols and traditions associated with the Jewish Sukkot.

God and Creation

We learnt about God and the Creation. We learnt about how Christians believe that God created the world.  We celebrated our own creativity through using our art and design skills to create a display representing the Creation Story. We read and discussed a variety of Bible stories about the Creation. We discussed the need for caring for our planet and explored the many ways that we can look after God’s wonderful world. 

Spring Term RE

Christmas Gifts and Gift Bringers

We are developing our understanding of why people give and receive gifts. We are thinking about why Jesus is described as a gift and how it feels to give and receive gifts. We are discussing gifts which we have given and received.

Easter: Celebrating New Life

We will read and reflect upon the Easter story. We will talk about new life and how it relates to the Easter story. We will explore the life-cycles of butterflies and how this relates to the Easter story. We will find out about why Easter is considered a new beginning.


Autumn Term Computing

Basic Computer Skills

We worked with our specialist computing teacher from MGL to develop our basic computing skills. We learnt about the importance of keeping passwords private. We learnt how to log onto a computer; how to use a mouse and keyboard (how to use backspace, capslock, enter etc.); and how to use a keyboard to enter text into a program. We used software/apps such as Dino Password, Let’s Learn Bubble Practice, SketchPad and Keyboard Race. 

Unplugged Algorithms

We learnt how to give instructions to a friend and how to follow their instructions to move around a space. We learnt what an algorithm is and how to create a simple algorithm. We began to use software/apps to create movement and patterns on a screen e.g. Daisy Dino app and Code Studio at https://code.org/

Spring Term Computing


We are learning how to describe what happens when buttons are pressed on a robot. We are learning to press buttons in the correct order to make a robot follow a sequence. We are using hardware such as Beebots and software/apps such as the Beebot app and the Beebot simulator (web browser). 

Data Collection and Representation using Pictograms

We will learn how to use technology to collect information. We will learn how to sort different kinds of information and present it to others. We will learn how to add information into a pictogram and discuss our findings. We will  explore the different ways in which data / information can be shown.


Autumn Term Geography

Our School and Locality

We developed our knowledge of our school and locality. We developed our geographical skills through creating maps and grids of our school grounds and locality. Our maps included the human and physical features of our locality. We learnt how to use a map to plan routes and give directions around our local area.

Spring Term Geography

The UK (countries, capital cities and seas)

We are finding out about the UK. We are learning to identify and name the four countries and capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas. We are learning to identify and describe key characteristics of UK countries. We are learning to identify and sort physical and human features of the UK. We are learning to use compass points to locate landmarks and human and physical features. We are using maps and aerial photographs to compare and contrast two cities in the UK. 


Autumn Term History

We investigated toys from the past. We looked for clues as to how children may have played with these toys. 

What was life like when our grandparents were children? (Changes within Living Memory)

We explored similarities and differences between our own lives and those of our grandparents growing up. We learnt how to identify and describe similarities and differences between our own experiences as compared to the experiences that our grandparents may have had. We investigated how our home, our school and the toys we play with are the same as and different to that of homes, schools and toys from the past. 

Spring Term History

Who are our local heroes?

We are learning about some of the ways in which we find out about the past. We are using a range of historical sources, such as artefacts and photographs, to find out about the lives of some of the most significant people in the history of our local area. We are learning about significant historical events, people and places in our own locality. We are exploring where the people and events we study fit within a chronological framework.

Art and Design

Autumn Term Art and Design

Skills: Drawing, Painting, Craft – Printing

We explored the formal elements of colour and pattern. We explored colour and pattern through drawing and through creating overlapping coloured/patterned designs in Lego printing. We continued to explore colour and pattern and develop our colour mixing skills through creating our own versions of the artwork ‘0-9’ by artist Jasper Johns. Building on these colour mixing lessons, we began to mix colours with greater precision. We mixed different hues of blue and yellow to create a piece of artwork before decorating our work with dots, zigzags, stripes, wavy lines and shapes.

Finally, we applied the printing skills that we developed through Lego printing and explored colour and pattern through printing with a different medium. Here, we used shaving foam and ink, to create a print representing the flames and beams of the Tudor houses. Over the course of this topic, we learnt about the use of colour, line and shape in the work of Wassily Kandinsky, Renata Bernal, Ilya Bolotowsky and Jasper John.

Spring Term Art and Design

Landscapes using Different Media

We are developing our knowledge and skills in the formal elements of line and texture. We are exploring line through drawing. We are learning to represent the horizon and tide lines in landscape artwork, inspired by artists Renoir, Sorolla and Krøyer. We are exploring the formal element of texture through collage. We are learning to identify different textures in a scene before using appropriate materials to replicate the range of textures. We are making different tints, shades and hues with paint, creating a tonal representation of the sea and sky, understanding that light colours stand out more and darker colours recede.

Building on colour mixing skills developed in the autumn topic and continuing to develop our pieces of landscape art, we are exploring texture through painting, identifying the colours used in an artist’s work, mixing colours to match these and using tools such as sponges to apply the colours onto a textured surface. Finally, we are exploring the formal element of texture through collage. We are applying skills developed throughout the topic (creating tonal representations with paint and adding texture using collage) to complete our piece of landscape art.

Design and Technology

Autumn Term Design and Technology

Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles

We explored wheels, axles and axle holders. We learnt how to distinguish between fixed and freely moving axles. We developed vehicle design ideas through discussion, observation and drawing. We assembled, joined and combined a range of materials in order to make a model of a vehicle with fixed or freely moving axles. We evaluated our vehicles against our design criteria.

Spring Term Design and Technology

Mechanisms: Sliders and Levers

We are exploring and evaluating books and everyday products that have moving parts. We are using tools and materials to replicate sliders and levers. We are designing, making and evaluating a greeting card with sliders and levers.


Autumn Term PSHE

Health and Well Being

We explored healthy eating and learnt how to design a healthy meal based on the food pyramid. We also learnt about personal hygiene and why it is important. We continued to explore how to stay healthy with a focus on medicine. We learnt why and how medicines are used and who gives them to us.


We learnt about bullying through activities that helped us to understand what a bully is and what we can do if we or someone we know is being bullied. 

Spring Term PSHE


We are learning about responsibility and understanding what is right and wrong in the things we do. We are learning to recognise, name, manage and express our emotions. We are learning how to keep safe through lessons on road safety and e-safety. We are learning how we can tell a trusted person about our worries.


Autumn Term Music

Exploring Dynamics

We explored dynamics. We explored loud and quiet sounds, using dynamics with body percussion and playing instruments with various dynamics. We continued to develop instrumental skills and began to recognize dynamics by ear. We accompanied each other in performance and learned group dynamics.

Exploring Tempo

We explored tempo. We were introduced to fast and slow tempos in various types of music and through tempo in our voice. We began to understand pulse and measuring by feeling the beat. We began to describe accurately changes in tempo. We learnt how to identify tempo changes and began to build up confidence in performing. 

Spring Term Music


We are learning about high and low sounds in different types of music and in the pitch of our voices and instruments. We are using related vocabulary and listening skills to identify changes in pitch.

Pitch, Dynamics and Tempo

We will be deepening our understanding of dynamics, tempo and pitch. We will develop our listening skills to identify changes in the dynamics, tempo and pitch of music.  We will use related vocabulary to describe changes in dynamics, tempo and pitch. We will apply our developing understanding of dynamics, tempo and pitch in how we play instruments and how we use our voice as an instrument.


Autumn Term PE

Multi Skills and Games

We learnt how to recognise space in our games. We learnt to show control and accuracy with the basic actions for underarm throwing and kicking; show control and accuracy with the basic actions for rolling and throwing; and understand the concepts of aiming and taking the ball to a good position for aiming. We learnt the concept of tracking and getting in line with a ball to receive it.

Dance and Gymnasticcs

We developed our skills in dance. We explored movement ideas and responded imaginatively to a range of stimuli.  We learnt how to move confidently and safely in our own space, using changes of speed, level and direction. We memorized and performed a sequence of actions together with exploring the expressive qualities of dance.

Spring Term PE

Multi Skills and Games

We are engaging in multi skills and games where we are learning how to move fluently, change direction and speed and recognise space in our games. We are learning how to show control and accuracy in underarm throwing, kicking and rolling. We are learning how to aim and track in passing a ball.


We will learn how to throw. with increasing accuracy and coordination into targets set at different distances. We will learn how to use different techniques to meet challenges set for throwing. We will learn how to use different techniques, speeds and effort to meet challenges set for running and jumping. We will learn to demonstrate the five basic jumps on our own, showing control at take-off and landing.

Christmas in Year 1B

We enjoyed our Christmas lunch and our Christmas party! 

The Year 1B Santa Dash!