Year Five – let us know what you think is brilliant about your class and your school.


51 thoughts on “Year Five – let us know what you think is brilliant about your class and your school.”

  1. Hello Mrs Carlsen today in computing I really liked it.I loved making a website with my friends.Mr Moffat makes it quite enjoyable to do.I am also excited for the arithmetic test tommorow I hop that I will get good marks.

  2. Mrs.Carlson Let me point out Deeptha’s mistakes first it was a bouncy castle not a trampoline second we did help Deeptha out of the bouncy Castle. By the way me and Richelle+Joel would like to thankyou for that Internet safety assembly today.It really helped us and I think it helped many other children as well.Good night!

  3. Good evening Mrs.Carlsen How are you hope you and your family enjoyed your christmas and all your chocolates and I would also like to wish you and your family happy new year!Bye!

    1. I am ok thank you Joy. You should be able to post future blogs on Y6C page. I hope to see you in a few weeks and I hope you are all enjoying Year 6.

  4. EEEEEKKKK!!!! I am so happy we have got you in year six I am so s
    Exited and happy!!! I really am working hard every night to get into that higher set in maths and also part of that is because I would like a better challenge! But I am so happy for Jamal I hope his mother is very proud of him! bye!

  5. Mrs.Carlsen do you have any advice for me for when I sit the entrance exam for bluecoat highschool and st.Hilda’s highschool in September? I’m so exited and nervous!MIXED EMOTIONS!!!!!!HaHaHaHa.Bye!

  6. Mrs.Carlsen at mine and Joel’s birthday party the bouncy castle actually deflated and came down with everybody in it and Dêeptha was the last one inside and I had to help her out and Joel.B managed to put it back up Hee Hee Hee!

  7. Hello Mrs.Carlsen are you having a nice day today?Me,Nakwan and Deeptha would like to hold cake sale either now or in year six.We want to ask Mrs.Simon’s if we can hold the cake sale.We are doing it for charity the charity we’re going to do it for is Cancer Research.I just wanted you to know!Toodles!

  8. Mrs.Carlsen Do you like my new/old nickname? Can we start doing more class debates? Ilike them because you get to find out more what everyone is like and by that I mean their personalities and what everyone thinks about different things.Thankyou Bye.

    1. I like to debate too. We will do more of that in Year Six. In reply to your previous post – I’m glad you think so!

  9. Hello Mrs Carlsen it looks like you and Ava have been chatting a lot, by the way how are you? And I’m also very pleased with my report I really do hope get into Bluecoat high school. Deeptha has been telling me there is an open evening this Thursday 5:30pm.Bye!

  10. Ne parlez plus Francais s’il vous plait!
    Which in English means
    Don’t speek French any more please!

  11. Hello Mrs Carlson
    How are you today ?
    Please can you stop speaking so much French your confusing me .

  12. I would really like it if we could go on the computers More often.
    I am really enjoying the Amazon thank you

  13. I like PE because it’s fun and it teaches you different sports that you think are not good but are quite good.

  14. This school is the best school I have ever been to because the Teachers are awesome and the children (including me). I love the subjects and the Teachers make our subjects very fun to do and we have lots of school trips. I love music so much because music is my life and our music Teacher Mr Lucas is so nice.I love this school and will be very sad to leave.

    1. Thank you Joy. I will pass your message to Mr Lucas. You’re not leaving until next year so there’s still so much to enjoy!
      Mrs Carlsen.

  15. Hello we are here tell you how AMAZING our school is! I am Katy and I like English, Art and History. PE AND Music are good as well.
    My name is Laiken and I love Art & History. My favourite subject is ICT because once we got to make 3D houses and I made a Castle! I think we need more Art.

  16. I like maths because we are learning how to turn fractions into decimals and my teacher is amazing. I would like more dancing in school xx
    Are you talking about Mr Harmes or me?

    Mrs Carlsen.

  17. We like music because we can bring in our intruments to experiment with music. Best subject ever. 🙂

  18. I like this school because the teachers are really helpful. The lessons are really fun and there are lots of friendly children.

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