Welcome to Year 1S
Teacher: Miss Sargent.
Teaching Assistant: Miss Riley.
PE is every MONDAY. Please ensure your child is dressed in their P.E. tracksuit on this day.
Homework is given out every Friday and expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Your child is registered to use http://www.ttrockstars.com – an online fun resource, which will support with learning their Times Tables. Please encourage your child to access this daily.
http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com is a great online resource that you can use to support your child with phonics. Each child has an individual password to access this resource. Please note: The App may not be free but you can play on a computer for free.
Please access http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk where you can find a wide range of books to read that we use in school such as Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. My class login for this is:
Username: yr1ms
Password: stanley
You also have a login for http://www.mymaths.co.uk We will set weekly activities on here for you to do
Words of the week – we are introducing our children to new vocabulary every week. These words will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible when speaking.
Please encourage your child to read a few pages of their reading book every night. We love to read in our school and believe ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’
A child
A book
A read
A chat
That is the way the mind grows
Not with a test, but a tale…
Michael Rosen
Curriculum Map Year 1 2020 – 21
Recovery Curriculum Map Year 1 2020-2021
Year 1S Home Learning Timetable
Click on the link below for our home learning timetable which includes suggested times and online resources to support your child’s learning during a covid-related absence. During this time, you will also receive an email signposting you to specific resources that link with our current curriculum including videos teaching phonics and maths.
Year 1S Home Learning Timetable
How to login as a child to Google Classroom for the first time (3)
Don’t forget to use your ‘City Pass’ to log onto Education City. Click on the link below.
For information about how we teach Phonics in school and how you can support your child at home please Click here for the Phonics Page
We have had a fantastic start to this year. We have already learnt so much and hopefully have had fun whilst doing it!
In Mathematics, we have been following the White Rose Maths planning and have started with Number and Place Value (within 10). As part of our lessons, we have been sorting and grouping objects, counting objects and matching to the correct numeral, counting forwards and backwards, finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number and comparing numbers and quantities.
Have a look at these videos which show you what we have done and how you can support your child at home
In English, we have started our work based on the story Class Two at the Zoo by Julia Jarman.
The children have collected lots of vocabulary related to feelings as well as lots of adjectives and we have written sentences using these words, making sure we include our finger spaces and full stops!
We have been learning basic skills of using a computer in mouse in computing with Mr Goodall and Miss Sargent. We have been able to use programs such as https://frontend.letsgolearn.com/practice/bubbles
and https://www.abcya.com/games/take_a_trip as well as creating pictures using 2dPaint.
We have been looking at art skills through using Lego blocks to design a pattern, experimenting with media and creating 2D shape abstracts like the artist Kandinsky and painting by colour mixing.
Outside, we have been learning new skills as well. Take a look at how fantastic we are at skipping.
Our topic is Seasonal change. We have been looking at how the weather changes every day and exploring different ways of measuring this
Take a look at some of our writing. It is based on the short film A Christmas Star
Design and Technology
This half term, our topic is wheels and axles. We will be making a vehicle .
First we have to practise how wheels and axles work. We found out that there are two different ways to attach the axles
We have been learning about teen numbers and how they are made with tens and ones
We have been practising our keyboard skills and have used a program to create these amazing patterns
We have been measuring how much rainfall has fallen. I wonder which day had the most rain
We have been using primary colours to create our art work based on the artist Jasper John
We made our own windsocks that we could test how windy is was each day
Design and Technology
We designed the vehicle we would like to make. Then we had a go at making it.
We have been mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours. We also had a go at creating different shades of green.
Design and Technology
Our finished vehicles. We then evaluated them to see what we liked or what could be better.
We used different printing skills to create a picture based on the fire of London
We have been writing our own versions of fairy tales and decided to use a word processing program to write them up
Using ten frames to add and subtract
We have been measuring objects around the classroom using non-standard measurements. I wonder which one is the shortest, longest, tallest or smallest.
We have been doing some great online workouts with Liverpool School Sports Partnership and Liverpool Football Club.
We have started our topic on Plants by exploring the different varieties of plants that we have in our school playgrounds.
We have been looking at the work of Louise Bourgeois and her spider sculpture of ‘Maman’. We rolled newspaper to create the parts of the spider, before using these to create our own spider sculpture.
Learning about equal groups, arrays and repeated addition.
In English, we have been working on non-fiction texts and fiction texts. We have recently been doing Wombat goes Walkabout by Michael Morpurgo. We practised reading our sentences and stories before telling them to the whole class.
Design and Technology
With the help of Classroom Kitchen online, we have found out about fruits and vegetables. Did you know that fruits have seeds inside so even a tomato is a fruit!! We know which foods keep us healthy and we tasted some to see which were our favourite. Before tasting, we learnt how to cut up the fruit and vegetables using the claw and bridge method.
Extra Curricular
We have been learning scooter skills with Liverpool School Sports Partnership. We have had a lot of fun learning all about the scooters, how to ride them safely whilst also learning some basic scooter maintenance. For the final week, we even learnt how to do some tricks!
Some of our class have been participating in Beth Tweddle gymnastics after school. They have been learning some amazing skills.