
Geography Whole School Overview – 2024-2025

Geography milestones Opening Worlds – 2024-2025

Geography – PRIMARY National Curriculum

Geography Policy – 2024-2025


Geography Lead – Mrs Heppinstall

Curriculum Vision

St Anne (Stanley) C of E School is a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment, we believe in a rich and inclusive geography curriculum. We want to inspire our pupils, building a curiosity and fascination that will stay with them throughout their education and into the adult world. Our curriculum is sequenced to build on children’s knowledge and impact their learning. Teaching will allow children to develop a deeper understanding about the natural and human worlds, using a range of enquiry skills. Geography lessons teach an understanding of places and environments and allow children to develop a deeper understanding of their locality and the wider world. It develops an understanding of maps and a range of investigative and problem solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. Through this, we begin to prepare our pupils for adult life and employment and development an understanding of resolving issues about the environment and sustainable development.

Curriculum Intent

At St Anne (Stanley) we support every child to reach their full potential through a progressive, inclusive and creative curriculum in which their contributions are valued and celebrated. We aim to provide a high-quality curriculum which not only equips children with the minimum statutory requirements of the Geography curriculum but serves to engage, inspire and challenge them.

Through Geography we want children to gain knowledge and understanding of places in the world. Whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of the different communities and cultures within St Anne’s, Old Swan, Liverpool, Britain and the world- and how these relate to each other.

At St Anne (Stanley), we aim for our pupils to develop skills in the field of Geography which they can apply beyond their time with us. Our Geography curriculum allows children to learn to communicate geographical information in a variety of ways. Not only understanding and securing knowledge of specific geographic vocabulary (using it consistently and progressively) but to interpret maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length. It encourages the development of children’s competence in specific geographical skills i.e, use of maps, secondary sources, ICT, aerial photographs, data logging and considering evidence from a range of sources.

We hope to provoke children to ask questions and propose solutions to environmental problems within St Anne’s School and the wider world. We want our children for to foster a sense of responsibility and respect for our school grounds/local area, wider world, earth, its people and its resources.

At St Anne (Stanley), our Geography curriculum endeavours to encourage togetherness between school, home, church and the wider community. Geography enables us to reflect upon and express our school values, which underpin everything we do. Through Geography, we aim to broaden our children’s horizons.

Curriculum Implementation

At St Anne (Stanley), we provide a high-quality Geography curriculum that embraces individual needs and physical and mental well-being in a safe, enriched learning environment. We understand that a rich and varied environment that supports children’s language through Geography and beyond is necessary so we ensure that subject specific vocabulary is displayed in the classroom and knowledge organisers are provided to support children to work independently.

Children start their Geography learning journey in EYFS and are encouraged to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of Geography with plenty of meaningful opportunities through ‘Understanding of the World’. As children progress through the school, they are presented with opportunities to develop these skills and challenge themselves, as similar topics are revisited and built upon. In KS1 and KS2, we ensure all aspects of the National Curriculum are covered in our planning and this is reflected by the guidance of Geographical Association. Our Geography curriculum is taught once a week, half termly and alternates with History, through discrete, meaningful lessons were children developing their skills and knowledge and begin to perceive the world as an interesting place. It involves encouraging children to ask questions, to identify ways in which they might find the answers and finally to search for those answers. Fieldwork is to take place in at least one of the school terms, relevant to the topic and to enhance children’s learning.

As St Anne (Stanley), we embrace the opportunities that our local area (Old Swan and further afield) provides with links to our Geography Curriculum such as visits to our local parks, farms and beaches.

Hi and welcome to the Geography Page.

My name is Miss Melling, I have been working at St Anne’s since 2015 and I am lucky enough to say I really do love my job and our school. Our school has fantastic and enthusiastic pupils, amazing staff and supportive parents/carers. It really is a great community to be part of.

I am responsible for leading Geography across the school. When I was asked to take on this role I was thrilled. Geography is classed as a ‘foundation subject’, however, I believe it is at the heart of the curriculum making tangible and effective connections across subjects.  

During my secondary education I decided that Geography would be one of my ‘option’ subjects at GCSE level. This was an easy decision for me to make. I have always been fascinated with the world, thoroughly enjoy family holidays abroad, yet equally enjoy exploring my local area and the UK. One of my childhood memories of being on holiday abroad would be visiting churches and cathedrals with my Nan. I enjoyed learning about other cultures and their way of life as much as I liked visiting the beaches and splashing about in the ocean.

The area of Geography that fascinates me the most has to be natural disasters; earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions etc. How something can impact the world so quickly and have such a huge impact.

Geography is an exciting, enquiry based subject that allows children to ask questions and provides them with the skills to gain a better understanding of the world, its people, places and environments. Furthermore, is allows children to debate and begin to recognise how and why our world is changing and the impact they have on making our world more sustainable place to live.  

I am hoping my enthusiasm for this subject is mirrored in our pupils.

Mrs Heppinstall

How lucky are we to live in the city that hosted the 2023 Eurovision?! 

People from all over the world visited Liverpool and got to see what our amazing city has to offer. 

Some of the things I thought about when the build up and the actual Eurovision took place –

  • How many people actually visited the city?
  • How much did the tourism industry make?
  • How many bags of litter were collected from the Eurovision Village?
  • How much of this litter was recyclable? 
  • Who travelled the furthest to our city to be part of the excitement? 
  • What did the tourists visiting Liverpool think of our city? 


Below are links to games that will support Geography learning taking place in our school 

EYFS – this is a good one for identifying and sorting the different seasons.

KS1- See how much you remember about The United Kingdom by taking this quiz.

KS2- Let’s see if you can remember the difference between ‘climate and weather’.