Feedback from Parents
If you would like to comment on anything your child is particularly enjoying in school please use this link to …More
If you would like to comment on anything your child is particularly enjoying in school please use this link to …More
Last week we celebrated ‘Black History Month’ where we studied famous black people from history. We had lots of fun in …More
On 29th September five of our Year 6 children attended their first Liverpool Schools Parliament meeting at Liverpool Town Hall. …More
Families of children in Mrs Kenwright’s Year 4 class are welcome to attend our special Family Assembly in the School hall …More
The Harvest Service will be held at St Anne’s Church at 2pm on Thursday 1st October 2015.
French Day 28TH September 2015 I have put a number of activities and a few songs and video clips together …More
St Anne Stanley is now on Twitter! @StAnneStanley
Welcome back to school!