Welcome to Year 3L

Teacher: Mr. Lineton

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Standish


Welcome to our Y3L ‘Class Blog’!

It is a pleasure to have our wonderful Y3 class with us this year.  Please keep an eye on this page for useful information about our class and our school.


P.E. is every Thursday, please ensure your child is dressed in their school P.E. tracksuit on this day.

Words of the Week – We are introducing the children to new vocabulary every week. These words will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible during conversations and give lots of praise when they use them correctly.

Spellings – We teach a new rule on a two-weekly cycle. Below is an outline of the structure we follow:

Week 1:

Monday: New rule to be introduced and word list sent home.

Tuesday- Thursday: Activities allowing the children to learn and practice the spelling rule.

Friday: Spelling test on word list sent home.

Week 2:

During this week the children will further consolidate their understanding of the spelling rule and will be tested on an unseen list of words to ensure they have learnt how to apply the rule rather than just the original word list.

This cycle means that spellings will only be sent home every other week, but any work you can do to support your child learn the spelling rules will be a great help.

Stage reading books – These are sent home on a daily basis, children should read at home as often as possible. We suggest that your child reads one chapter per day and talks about what has been read to show understanding of what has been read. A reading record will be sent home for you to comment on your child’s reading. Each child is able to bring home a class library book as often as required throughout the week. We have a wide variety of books to choose from, including- fiction, non-fiction and poetry. This is to encourage reading for pleasure- there is no limit to how much is read of this book per day.

All children in Year 3 have online access to either Reading Plus or Lexia, both are excellent online resources that have a wealth of literature for your child to read at their level. This will support their reading accuracy, speed and comprehension skills. Please encourage your child to access this at least three times per week.

We love to read in our school and believe,

 ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’

A child

A book

A read

A chat

That is the way the mind grows

Not with a test, but a tale…

Michael Rosen

For information about how we teach Phonics in school and how you can support your child at home please Click here for the Phonics Page 

Every child is also registered to use TT Rockstars – an online fun resource, which will support with learning their Times Tables. Please encourage your child to access this daily.

Don’t forget to use the ‘City Pass’ to log onto Education City. There are many learning activities on here to support and challenge your child. There is a link below that takes you to the page.

Spellzone is a spelling resource that supports children on an individual pathway. Please encourage your child to access this at home. 

There may be occasional activities set on Google Classroom– below is a guide of how to login for the first time. 

How to login as a child to Google Classroom for the first time

The logins for all of our online resources can be found on the inside of your child’s home reading diary. If you misplace your passwords, please get in touch and we will reissue them.

Some useful information for the year ahead…

Year 3 Curriculum Map 2021-2022

Dates for Your Diary 2021-2022

Keep up to date with our latest news and suggested activities using our Twitter pages.

Our whole school Twitter page


Year 3 Twitter Page

See the source image

Thinkuknow is an education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

The Thinkuknow websites offers advice about how to help keep your child safe when they’re playing on a phone, tablet or computer.  As well as advice, the website also offers a series of short age appropriate activities to do at home with your child linked to online safety.

Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources.  Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.

Their online classrooms offer free access to great teachers, delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets.  Available at Reception,  primary and secondary levels, it covers a range of subjects.  All of the lessons are ordered so your child can learn along a clear plan.  New lessons and resources are provided each week to ensure continuity and continued progression.

See the source image

Some useful videos from BBC Children in Need. Dr Radha shares her top tips on looking after your wellbeing.

Family Zone 5 to 8

Family Zone works to improve reading, writing, speaking and listening skills across communities in the UK.

Family Zone is full of free activities and ideas to keep your child busy at home, whilst also benefitting reading writing and language development.