Visit from Rev Emma

I have had the pleasure of visiting yr2N today. I’ve seen their books and am amazed with the progress made from the start of the year to now. The children have produced some absolutely lovely work – ranging in topics from Mona Lisa, Who cares for them, their own retelling of the Christmas Story, great fractions work in Maths and understanding shapes, weight and ‘form’ in science. I also had the pleasure of listening to them in their music lesson – both theory and singing. Simply great work all of you – keep it up!!


One thought on “Visit from Rev Emma”

  1. What an amazing Chinese New Year celebration. The food was delicious and the children were superbly behaved. Joel played guitar, a piece he had only learnt the day before – and considering he has only been learning since September I think we have a star in the making. Well done to all the catering staff and everyone who made the day go so well. Thank you so much for the invitation!!

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