Schools’ Parliament

We have six children from Y6 who are members of the Liverpool Schools’ Parliament. One of the events we have attended was a debate at the Athanaeum Club. The children performed confidently and eloquently. Our proposal was that the school day be extended to 5pm. Sadly this was defeated!

On Monday 17th October 2016, we attended Liverpool Town Hall to elect ten Junior Lord Mayors. There were thirty speeches by children form schools throughout the city. Each school received four ballot papers. St Anne’s candidate was Finlay Kelleher who gave an impassioned and amazing speech on keeping Liverpool a green, tidy and friendly city.

On Tuesday 18th October we received the fantastic news that Finlay had been elected. He was ecstatic at the news announced during Junior praise assembly.

There will be a ceremony at the Liverpool Town Hall on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 where Finlay will be officially named a Junior Lord Mayor. He will then be able to choose which month he will take office.

Congratulations Finlay, we are very proud of you!

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