Let’s get Blogging!

Welcome to the class blog pages. Post anything you have enjoyed in school to share with others. Keep an eye on your teacher’s comments too!


37 thoughts on “Let’s get Blogging!”

  1. Hi, we hope you guys are all having a good time and we just wanted to say a hello to all the teachers at St. Annes xx

  2. I really enjoyed Playdays the other day. I was playing football with Ethan and I also drew the Liverpool badge for Riley in his book. I really hope that more people from year 5H and year 5F come. Thank you for reading my comment, I really appreciate it. ALWAYS COME TO ST.ANNE STANLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I really enjoyed Number Day because most of the teachers came in wearing thing 1 or thing 2. My teacher was wearing his normal shirt but put things on like clocks, factors of 48 and one of his best times tables. It was so funny when I was getting the teachers mixed up because they were wearing their wigs [thing 1 and thing 2]. THIS IS THE BEST SCHOOL EVER!!!!! If you ever need a school to go to, go to ST. ANNE STANLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL.

    1. It’s great that you enjoyed NSPCC Number Day Lewis. I thought the whole of our school community made a fabulous effort to get involved.

      I love maths and numbers just like you. I agree with you, I think our school is brilliant!
      Miss Nurse

  4. Hi there! I am Billie-Jo, I am 10 years old and I am in year 5. The best two teachers I have ever had are Mr Harmes and Mrs White.My favourite Disney movie is Inside Out.My favourite character is Disgust and I even have the toy of it.I just can’t wait to go to year 6.

  5. I really enjoyed the Philharmonic Hall the other day. I hope it happens again. I’m really looking forward to the other fun things we are going to do soon. I really enjoyed the science project when we made slime!!! I really want to do experiments because I like working in pairs or groups. I want to be able to sit next to Alex and Harvey!!!

    1. Glad to hear you’ve been enjoying the many interesting activities we have been lucky enough to take part in Lewis. Fear not, more experiments are coming your way after the Easter break!

  6. Last Friday we got to do cool science experiments like making slime and making a whirlpool in water. It was so fun and we learnt so much.

  7. Hi Year Five! I have loved all the special events we have had this year. My favourite thing so far is probably the science workshop because it is so useful and making your own snow is just so much fun and so good. The Philharmonic was so good as well because we got to listen to some classical music. A special shout out to all the teachers, places and companies that organise these special occasions. I really love this school and all the teachers. I really recommend this school, we do a lot of fabulous things in lessons as well. I love you St. Anne’s Stanley school.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Luci. I expect nothing less from you! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more exciting activities and events during the Summer Term.
      Mr Harmes

  8. On Friday we had a science workshop in our class. We made SNOW! Then we got to see AIR! How did we see air you ask? We got a smoke machine and with the help of an AIRZOOKA!

    1. Astonishing work boys. Please could you make it hot and sunny too?
      What is an AIRZOOKA?


      Mr Harmes

  9. I went to the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool. The Orchestra had a lot of instruments. They played the harp and one man played The Simpsons’ Theme Tune on the bassoon!

  10. Hi there it’s Lana and Lolo. Today, we are going to talk about our science week and all the experiments that we did. My favourite experiment was where we had to fill a bag with air but we did not know how to. I love science week and hope it happens again next year. That is all for now from Lana and Lolo.

  11. When we took part in the science projects on Friday, we made slime. I took my slime home, left it for half a day and threw it across the room. It started bouncing everywhere!

  12. We really enjoyed our science project. We made our own snow, bouncy balls and did amazing experiments. I loved the part when the science teacher played a trick on us. Also in History, we loved trying to make an Anglo-Saxon house out of straw and we look forward to making them out of wood. I have really settled into my new school. I have made a lot of friends. BYE FOR NOW !!!!!!

    1. Thank you for the comments girls. Why not explain the trick that the science teacher played on you? Readers of this blog will be keen to know more.

      Glad to hear you are settling in to life at our school Vanessa. You have made a brilliant start and your Anglo-Saxon house is superb!

      Mr Harmes

  13. Year 5, I’ve been listening to your comments about your science day. It sounds like you had an amazing time learning lots of new things.

  14. In our recent visit from a science teacher we learnt how to make bubbles stick to surfaces like carpets. We got a big water balloon in a small container and made bouncy slime!

    First we had a competition, we had to swirl bottles to make a liquid tornado and we found it makes it go faster. In our second
    experiment we made a bubble stick to the carpet! For our third experiment we made a water balloon go into a container using fire!

  15. Y5 and Y6 went to the Philharmonic Hall. It was amazing. Myself and Ethan really enjoyed the music. Bobby and I had a brilliant view of the musicians. The man who introduced it had a Scottish outfit that looked amazing, The orchestra all had different coloured tops on. Some instruments were massive! The music that was played was from around the world. The music was really loud but we really enjoyed it. Even though it was really loud it was amazing.

    The Philharmonic was one of the best trips we’ve ever been to. THANKS TO ST ANNE STANLEY!

  16. Last Friday year 5F enjoyed a mad science party it shows that you can have a lot of fun with just a few items. First the lady poured water in one of three cups then she mixed the cups up and asked us to guess which one had the water in.Then she picked up the cup that had the water in and throne it at us it made no sense water didn’t come out .She explained to us that at the bottom of the cup was nappy powder and that it absorbs the water into a solid and that is why it is put at at the bottom of nappy’s so it doesn’t hurt a baby .

    Our next experiment was a competition with air bags two children had to fill the air bags with air they had to she who could fill the bags up the most in air in 1 minute.

  17. On Friday yr5 made slime bouncy balls with an awesome science teacher . She taught us all kinds of stuff like: How to make tornadoes in a bottle with a sparkly drink, how to make wind with a sand bucket. We also made fake snow all we used was baby powder and water but not to much. The fake snow felt really soft like real snow when the water dissolves add more water and you get more fake snow. There was a balloon that was to big to fit in a potion bottle so we set a piece of cardboard on fire then put it in the potion bottle and the balloon shrunk into the potion bottle. It was the day ever!!!!

  18. Hi, Y5 and Y6 went to the Philharmonic Hall on 17th of March. The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra were playing music from around the world.It was meant to be relaxing, we were the first to go in and we sat at the front at the side. They played a lot of music from different places including Mexico, Turkey, South America and Egypt. I am so glad I went because it was a great experience. We all laughed and had the best time of our lives! There were also lots of schools there. On the way back on the coach there was a lot of chatter!

  19. I’m Daisy and last week I went to the Philharmonic with the school and all my friend’s. We really enjoyed it they called it Keeping traditions. It was an exciting day they played lots of music from all over the world .
    The week after we had a great science lab and we made fake snow and goo. We also made a bubble were you can see the air inside of the bubble. On Thursday the 24th of March we have a competition for the best Easter garden or bonnet, iv’e made an Easter garden I hope i win (wish me luck)!!

  20. Hi im Jesse on Friday the 18th of March we had a crazy science lesson with amazing experiments like bouncing goo and hurricanes in bottles. We were the last ones to do the experiments but it was worth it. With the bouncing goo we had to mix glue with food colouring and the scientist put a drop of this liquid in. At the end of the day I guess it was one of the greatist lessons ever!

  21. Hi on the 18th on March in school we had a crazy science afternoon, in y5 we made amazing things like fake snow and bouncy goo. Then we had fun with a hurricane in a bottle. It was an amazing experience!

  22. We went to listen to the Philarmonic. in the Philarmonic in Liverpool we listend to music from diffrent countries it was amazing brilliant.

  23. I agree with Chloe, Miss Hodson is really funny and what I love the most is when you’re feeling down she acknowledges that you are sad. Year 6 is an outstanding year to be in because you have more opportunities to do things because you’re trusted more. It’s my final year in primary school which is sad but at least I know that I’m spending it with the best teachers in the whole school (Miss Hodson and Mr Lineton.) Hope this comment puts a smile on your face and don’t forget ST ANNE STANLEY IS THE BEST! xxx

  24. To Miss Nurse and Miss Garner,

    We are working very hard and thinking like champions! We are hardworking ants, NOT lazy grasshoppers!!

    Thank you for helping us everyday with our learning and for being the best teachers in THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.

    From the children in Y2N

  25. A very big “well done” to all the staff and children who took part in the year 3 & 4 nativity play today.

  26. In school I have enjoyed doing the Christmas play in year 3&4.I am Mary and I’ve have learnt all my lines I’m in 4 scenes I am very happy!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Cara, I am so pleased that you are enjoying Year 3 so much! Take a look at our class page to see lots of photos of the fun things we have been doing.
    Mrs Williams

  28. In Year 3 I’ve really enjoyed doing our Family Assembly. I liked it most at the last picture on the board with us doing funny faces It was really fun . I have also enjoyed our PJ party for getting 15 Class Stars . Our next reward is a Teddy Bears Picnic for getting 20 Class Stars I can’t wait until we get them!! I enjoyed learning about rocks and soils in science. There are lots of different types of rocks. If you scratch a rock with another rock you can see if it’s harder or softer.

  29. Hi my name is Chloe I am 10 years old and I am in my last year of Primary school which is year 6 I am so happy that I am in this school
    I have become more and more confident each day as I walk into my classroom with a smile on my face . The teachers are the best they are so kind and reliable . My current teacher Miss Hodson is new to our school so it is funny when she gets names mixed up or talks to the wrong teachers I really really recommend my school because of all of the brilliant feedback we have been given over the past few years and the great ofsted reports . I will be extremely sad and upset when I leave this school it has been a real experience for me and a lot of fun I would like to say well done to my best friend Evelyn Buckley who has taken an interest in our school parliment so well done thankyou for taking the time to read my report I appreciate it ! if your looking for a school for your child to go to I recommend St Anne Stanley .

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