My speech and language is assessed on-entry to nursery using “WellComm”. Progress is tracked closely by my teachers and I am assessed again at three monthly intervals. If there are concerns about how my speech and language are developing I will be given more support by outside agencies. My parents or carers will be informed of my level of development and ways they can support me at home.
I will enjoy listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens. I use a wider range of vocabulary. I understand a question or instruction that has two parts. I understand “why” questions. I sing many songs. I know many rhymes, be able to talk about familiar books, and be able to tell a long story. I will develop my communication but may continue to have problems with irregular tenses and plurals. I may have problems saying some sounds and some multisyllabic words. I can use longer sentences of 4-6 words. I am able to express a point of view and debate when I disagree. I can start a conversation with an adult or a friend and continue it for many turns. I use talk to organise myself and my play. I can use sentences joined up with words like “because”, “or”, “and”.
On-entry to Reception, WellComm will continue to be used to monitor the progress of speech and language for all children. Extra support will be put in place as appropriate for each child’s needs to ensure maximum progress is made. In the spring term “NELI” (Nuffield Early Language Intervention) will be used to reassess and target children who would benefit from this 20 week intervention aimed at improving the language skills of reception age children who need it most.
I understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important. I will learn new vocabulary and use it through the day in different contexts. I will questions to find out more and to check my understanding. I will use well-formed sentences. I will use talk to help work out problems and organise my thinking and activities. I will develop social phrases. I will engage in storytimes. I will be able to retell a story using exact repetition and some in my own words. I will learn rhymes, poems and songs. I will engage in non-fiction books developing a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.