Whole School Reading

Please click on the links below to read our English policy, for more information about reading and ‘Reading For Pleasure’.

English Policy 2024

Home reading scheme

We follow the Oxford Reading Tree and TreeTops reading schemes, ensuring that we are providing the very best for every child. Pupils enjoy these books, which provide a lot more variety to ensure that all needs are met. Each child’s reading level has been carefully decided by the class teacher, who will continually monitor to ensure every child is making the best progress they can. We hope you enjoy sharing these books with your child! In school we also have a wide range of other books to ensure that your child is being given every opportunity to read as widely as possible. Every classroom has its own library, where the books are levelled to match individual needs. Children bring home a class library book, as well as their decodable (‘scheme’) reader every night.  Our younger readers will bring home their ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ books to continue practising concepts they learn in phonics lessons.   Some of the other schemes we have in school are:

  • Read, Write, Inc.
  • Bug Club
  • Ginn Pocket books
  • Ginn 360
  • A wide range of colour-banded books

Oxford Owl Reading has 250 free eBooks for you to share with your child as well as simple ideas, top tips, activities and games to help your child with their reading at home. You’ll also find advice from educational experts on many areas including phonics,motivating boys and how to help a child who is struggling with their reading. Helping your child to learn to read and learn to love reading is one of the greatest gifts you can give them… and Oxford Owl is here to help you every step of the way. Click on the link below to register for free: Oxford Owl