Welcome to Year 3SW
Class Teachers: Mrs Stokes and Miss Williams
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nugent and Miss Bristow
Here is our yearly diary for Year 3.
Here is a whole school diary including important dates throughout the school year.
Year 3 Key Information
- PE will take place on a Tuesday and pupils are required to come to school wearing the full St Anne’s PE kit.
- The school day will start at 8:50am with pupils entering on the front yard by the office.
- The school day end at 3:25pm with pupils exiting from the front yard by the office.
- Reading books will be sent out everyday to be returned each day for additional reading sessions to take place. Please read with your child as much as possible, re-reading books is an excellent opportunity for children to develop their fluency and word recognition.
- We encourage all pupils to bring in their own water bottle and their book bags into school everyday.
Year 3 Curriculum Information
Please see the link below for the curriculum overview for Year 3. This overview includes all the topics covered in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.
Year 3 Curriculum Map – 2024-2025
Online Learning Platforms
- Lexia
- Doodle Maths
Welcome Back!
Have a look at some of the amazing activities we have been up to in the Autumn Term so far 🙂