
Welcome to Year 1R

Class Teacher: Mrs Robson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Whittaker

Here is our yearly diary for Year 1.

Year 1 Diary 2024-2025

Here is a whole school diary including important dates throughout the school year.

Whole School Diary 2024-2025

Year 1 Key Information 

  • PE will take place on a Monday and pupils are required to come to school wearing the full St Anne’s PE kit.
  • The school day will start at 8:45am with pupils entering on the side yard by the hall.
  • The school day end at 3:20pm with pupils exiting from the side yard by the hall.
  • Read Write Inc Reading books will be sent out every Friday to be kept until the following Friday ready to be changed. Please read with your child as much as possible, re-reading books is an excellent opportunity for children to develop their fluency and word recognition.
  • We encourage all pupils to bring in their own water bottle and their book bags into school everyday.

Year 1 Curriculum Information 

Please see the link below for the curriculum overview for Year 1. This overview includes all the topics covered in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. 

Year 1 Curriculum Map 2024-25

Online Learning Platforms

  • TT Rockstars – An online fun resource, which will support with learning their Times Tables. Please encourage your child to access this daily through their webpage https://ttrockstars.com/or through their app. 
  • Teach Your Monster To Read – A ground-breaking game that makes learning to read fun. You can access this through their webpage https://www.teachyourmonster.org/account/users/sign_in or through their app. 


Welcome Back!

Have a look at some of the amazing activities we have been up to in the Autumn Term so far 🙂 

Year 1 Curriculum Information Autumn Term 2024-25

ART – We have been looking at primary and secondary colours in our Art lessons. 


Extra Curricular – We had an amazing opportunity to visit Laurel’s Wood Forest School. We learnt how to make fire and made marshmallows on it, created flags using flowers and leaves, made medallions by sawing wood and drilling a hole for the string and created dens using sticks and leaves from the area.


DT – 

We created our own moving vehicles in DT. We started off by measuring and cutting our pieces of wood to size. 

Year 1 Curriculum Information Spring Term