
Welcome to Year 5P

Class Teacher: Miss Prior

Teaching Assistants: Mrs O’Hanlon, Miss Bristow and Ms Scott

Year 5 Key Information 

  • Swimming lessons take place on a Tuesday. Pupils are required to come to school wearing the full St Anne’s PE kit plus bring a one piece swimming costume (girls) swimming trunks (boys) towel and swimming cap.  
  • PE will take place on a Thursday and pupils are required to come to school wearing the full St Anne’s PE kit.
  • The school day will start at 8:50am with pupils entering on the back yard (with the pencils). 
  • The school day end at 3:30pm with pupils exiting from the back yard (with the pencils). 
  • Reading books will be sent out everyday to be returned when they are ready to be changed. Please read with your child as much as possible, re-reading books is an excellent opportunity for children to develop their fluency and word recognition.
  • We encourage all pupils to bring in their own water bottle and their book bags into school everyday.
  • Words of the week – we are introducing our children to new vocabulary every other week. These words will be sent home.  Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible when speaking. 
  • Spellings will also be sent home every two weeks.  These are different to the Words of the week.  

Year 5 Curriculum Information 

Please see the link below for the curriculum overview for Year 5. This overview includes all the topics covered in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. 

Online Learning Platforms

  • Your child is registered to use Doodle Maths, an online platform where you will find tasks and activities that support your child’s learning of mathematics. 
  • We have registered your child to use Reading Plus, a really lovely online resource that has a wealth of literature for your child to read at their level. This will support their reading accuracy, speed and comprehension skills. Please encourage your child to access this at least 3 times per week.
  • Spellzone is another online resource which your child is registered to use.  It will help your child improve their spelling skills.  


Welcome Back!

Have a look at some of the amazing activities we have been up to in the Autumn Term so far 🙂