Welcome to Year 1R

Teacher: Miss Riley

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Whittaker, Miss Mairs 

Dates for your Diary Year 1

PE is every MONDAY. Please ensure your child is dressed in their School P.E. tracksuit on this day.

Your child is learning to read and write through developing their phonic knowledge and skills. You can learn more about phonics and how you can promote your child’s literacy by following the link to our phonics webpage: https://st-anne-stanley-school.co.uk/learning/curriculum/phonics/ 

Reading books will be sent home each Wednesday and should be returned every Monday. Please encourage your child to read a few pages of their home reading book every night.

Using our Oxford Owl login details (as below), you can access free Oxford Owl e-books at  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ 

Username: year 1b st annes
Password: OxfordOwl

Teach Your Monster to read is another great online resource that you can use to further support your child in developing their reading skills. Please follow the link at: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book.

We love to read in our school and believe ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’. 

A child

A book

A read

A chat

That is the way the mind grows

Not with a test, but a tale…

Michael Rosen

You can support your child in their learning across the curriculum through accessing activities on Education City. Please click on the link below and enter your child’s ‘City Pass’ i.e. login details. You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book. 

Information for Parents/Carers


Year 1 Curriculum Map 2021-2022

Class Timetable  2021-22 1R

For information about how we teach Phonics in school and how you can support your child at home please Click here for the Phonics Page