Welcome to Year 1S
Teacher: Miss Sargent
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Ellison and Mrs Scott
PE is every Monday. Please ensure your child is dressed in their School P.E. tracksuit on this day.
Reading books will be sent home each Wednesday. Please bring in your book bag book and reading book into school every day
For information about how we teach Phonics in school and how you can support your child at home Click here for our Phonics Page
For information to support mathematics at home: For Y1 – Maths Parent and Carer Booklet
For information to support English at home: Year 1 – Supporting your child with English at home
Your child is registered to use http://www.ttrockstars.com – an online fun resource, which will support with learning their Times Tables. Please encourage your child to access this daily.
http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com is a great online resource that you can use to support your child with phonics. Each child has an individual password to access this resource. Please note: The App may not be free but you can play on a computer for free.
Please access http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk where you can find a wide range of books to read that we use in school such as Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. My class login for this is:
Username: yr1ms
Password: stanley
Words of the week – we are introducing our children to new vocabulary every week. These words will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible when speaking.
Please encourage your child to read their reading book every night. We love to read in our school and believe ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’
A child
A book
A read
A chat
That is the way the mind grows
Not with a test, but a tale…
Michael Rosen
Autumn Term 1
Please click on this link for more information on how you can support your child/children at home with mathematics
This half term, we have started looking at Place Value within 10. We have been comparing objects and numbers and using the comparison symbols.
We moved on to Addition and Subtraction within 10 and have found out about how whole numbers can be spilt into parts.
In RE, we have been finding out about the Jewish festival of Sukkot. We had a go at creating our own Sukkahs. They had to have 3 walls and decorated with leaves and plants.
We been talking about keeping healthy in during our PHSE lessons. We created a poster showing how we keep our bodies clean and healthy.
For our topic, Animals including Humans, we have been finding out about the parts of animals, types of animal groups and what animals eat. We finished off our topic by working out which ‘poo’ belonged to which animal. Can you remember what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore eat?
Extra Curricular
Some of attended our school Halloween disco after school. We had great fun playing games, dancing and scaring peoeple with our fantastic outfits.
Autumn Term
Design and Technology
This half term, we have been exploringwheels and axles in order to design and make a vehicle for Santa.
Year 1 have taken part in a Board games after school club. We enjoyed taking turns and playing different games with our friends.
Looking at shape thsi half term where we have recognised and sorted 3d and 2d shapes.
We have participated in lots of Christmas activities including a disco, Christmas lunch, a Christmas concert in church and visiting Santa in the grotto.