Welcome to Year 6N


Year 6

Teacher:  Miss Nurse.

Teaching Assistant: Miss Garner.

PE is every Friday. Please ensure your child is dressed in their P.E. tracksuit on this day.

Homework is given out every Friday and expected to be returned by the following Tuesday.

Your child is registered to use TTRockstars – an online fun resource, which will support with learning their Times Tables. Please encourage your child to access this daily.

We have registered your child to use Reading Plus, a really lovely online resource that has a wealth of literature for your child to read at their level. This will support their reading accuracy, speed and comprehension skills. Please encourage your child to access this every day.

Your child is registered to use MyMaths, an online platform where you will find tasks and activities that support your child’s learning of mathematics. Please follow the link above.  You will find your child’s login details in their reading record book/ on their multi log-in sheet.

If your child wishes to work on their spellings they can access Spellzone.

Words of the week – we are introducing our children to new vocabulary every week. These words will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please ask your child what they mean and encourage them to use them as often as possible when speaking. 

Please encourage your child to read a few pages of their reading book every night. We love to read in our school and believe ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’ (Dr Seuss).

A child

A book

A read

A chat

That is the way the mind grows

Not with a test, but a tale…

Michael Rosen

How to login as a child to Google Classroom for the first time (3)


Y6 Dates for your diary

Don’t forget to use your ‘City Pass’ to log onto Education City. Click on the link below.

A Super Sporty Sports Day

What a wonderful sports day; enjoyed by all the children and parents and carers who were able to attend.

So who were the sports day winners?  EVERYONE WAS. The determination and willingness to have a go at some of the less familiar events was outstanding. Well done to everyone in Y6N. 

Outdoor Sketching

To practice sketching skills, the children went outdoors to sketch the beautiful trees in the school playground. They used their drawing and sketching skills to capture the lines, shapes and textures on the tree trunks, branches, leaves and blossoms so well.

Computer Skills

In this computing unit, the children have been learning about how data is stored. To evidence their growing knowledge, they have compiled Power Point presentations explaining how a school computer network works; what equipment is used to support a network and how data is stored, used and protected. The children confidently incorporated higher level presentation tools such as transitions and animations into their amazing presentations and included different timings and other design features.   

The children know that well-developed computer skills will support them in all areas of the curriculum in their Year 7 studies and they are very proud of their achievements.

So who do you resemble?

In science, the children have been thinking about inheritance and variation and the work of various evolutionary biologists from across the centuries and continents. They have discovered that there are scientists/ biologists/naturalists who share similar ideas about evolution and some whose theories are rather different.

They have learnt about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Mary Anning and her fascination with fossils. They know that evolutionary concepts date back to early Greek writings (Anaximander and Empedocles)  and know about other scientists such as Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis,  Erasmus Darwin (Charles Darwin’s grandfather) and Jean Baptiste Lamarck for example. They have been enthralled to learn that evolutionary theorists and biologists come from many different parts of the world and include some prominent female theorists such as Rosalind Franklin and her amazing contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA and the palaeontologist Mary Leaky who, through her discovery of many fossils, has helped ‘fill in the fossil record’ with information about human evolution in particular.

As part of this science unit, the children have used atlases to locate The Galapagos Islands where Darwin carried out many of his studies and observations to support the development of his theories about natural selection. They have also enjoyed using their sketching skills to draw illustrations of ‘Darwin’s finches’, the peppered moth and examples of fossils in their books.

This has been a wonderful unit of work which has allowed the children to work independently – researching and recording and to produce some impressive pieces of work.

Photomontage in Art

The children have been studying the art of photomontage in this term’s Art unit. They used images from magazines and newspapers to produce a composite photograph by cutting, rearranging, overlapping then gluing to create a new image.  Here are some  examples of the children’s work displayed on our Art working wall.

Working hard in Religious Education (RE) Lessons

The children look forward to their RE lessons. They are encouraged to share their ideas and understanding in a supportive and enabling environment. The work they carefully and happily produce is always outstanding. 

Walker Art Gallery Visit

To support the children in their understanding of how the ancient Greeks influenced modern life in Britain; how art, in its many forms can inspire the children to develop their artistic talents; to support literacy skills and build capital culture, the children visited The Walker Art Gallery. This was a first gallery visit for many of the children. They were in awe of the many paintings, statues and art collections. Taking along some paper and art materials enabled the children to chose a painting from the many displayed within the gallery and sketch it which they very much loved doing.

In addition, the children participated in an enthralling story telling workshop: Storytelling with the Greeks – a workshop that focused on Charles Le Brun’s epic painting entitled ‘Atlanta and Meleager’. This Greek myth was expertly told by a member of the gallery who intrigued the children with the story behind the featured painting inspiring them to work on a story board to ‘complete the story’. You could hear a pin drop as the children were taken through the Greek myth; they worked hard to complete their version of the ending, then came back together to hear the original ending, all gasping as it wasn’t what they expected. A truly cultural moment that will stay with the children for a long time.

World Book Day and Related Events

Chose a book… Read a book… Dramatise a book…

World Book Day (and its related whole school events) is always a much loved event in our school and it was absolutely brilliant to see the children able to enjoy it, all together again.  They dressed as their favourite characters; had fun writing their own stories and took part in a drama workshop in addition to lots of other activities throughout the week. 

World War II

Our History unit this term focused on World War II and how it impacted on the local area.

As part of the unit, the children were lucky enough to visit Liverpool’s amazing World War II top secret underground bunker – The Western Approaches. By visiting this historical museum, they learned how the WRNS worked in the Operations Room, plotting what was happening on the open seas on a huge floor to ceiling map; pinpointing enemy locations, monitoring convoy routes and vital shipping lines and allowing the Royal Navy to destroy the enemy. The children walked the same path as the Commanders who worked with all the other staff to protect the tactics of the British Armed Forces aiding the Allied victory.

Still Life Gallery  – Different Mediums

This unit of work enabled the children to use three different mediums to showcase their still life drawing and painting skills. The featured artist for this unit was Ben Nicholson. First the children selected their items and sketched them with charcoal sticks. They then compiled the same picture using negative effect. This entailed the children ‘hatching’ a background using an HB pencil to completely cover the page – first shading the complete page in one direction then going over the same area in the opposite direction to create the ‘hatch’. The children then used an eraser to ‘rub out’ forming the image. To complete the unit, the children created a painting in water colour.

The children’s work is mounted and displayed in an amazing gallery, put together by our gallery curator – Miss Garner, along the stairwell leading up to class. Amazing work Y6N!


Waistcoats in DT

The children made the most amazing waistcoats as part of their DT project this term. They chose their preferred material; used a template to cut out the pieces; then sewed the pieces together by hand to create their waistcoats. How amazing they were – both the children and the waistcoats!

 Making and Baking

There’s nothing like home made mince pies (well, school made). For a Christmas treat, the children worked with Mr Delaney to make and bake the most delicious mince pies. Unfortunately, they were more than exceedingly good pies so didn’t make it home!


Line Drawing and Sculpturing in the Style of Kathe Kollwitz

The children really enjoyed studying the work and style of artist Kathe Kollwitz and how her work captures peoples’ emotions often highlighting poverty and sadness. They produced some wonderful pencil drawings and clay sculptures.


Our Class Librarians

Reading is so, so important. We are lucky enough to have a library in every classroom in our school, in addition to a whole school library. We have books galore – everywhere you look there is a wonderful book… waiting to be read. Our class librarians take their role very seriously and manage the library very effectively – signing books in and out, organising the area and recommending favourite reads to their peers. 

We had an official relaunch of the library with some very important guests. Mr Lineton officially relaunched the library – cutting the ribbon and Miss White from Y6C, our Head Teacher – Mrs Simons and our Deputy Head Teacher – Mrs Lovell also came along to enjoy the occasion.