Healthy Schools

At St Anne Stanley, promoting a healthy lifestyle is integral to our curriculum. As a school, we understand that a nutritious diet together with a variety of opportunities for exercise play a major role in the quality of a child’s life.

St Anne Stanley Health and Wellbeing Bronze Award

As a school, we achieved the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Bronze Award, an award celebrating the many ways in which we work to improve the health and wellbeing of our whole school community. 

We further support the health and wellbeing of our pupils by:


  • Offering our pupils a healthy lunch comprised of fresh, locally sourced produce supplied by ‘Food for Thought’. Click on the following link to view our school menu: Food for Thought Menu

Emersons Green Primary School Food and Drink | Emersons Green Primary School | Bristol

  • Encouraging pupils to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Children in EYFS and KS1 are offered a fruit or vegetable and carton of milk for snack each day free of charge. 

Healthy Lunchbox Challenge - Lunchbox World

A Water Promotion Toolkit

  • Ensuring that pupils can drink water throughout the school day; pupils are expected to bring water bottles filled with water, as opposed to juice etc., to school and re-fill these at our water fountains to stay hydrated throughout the day. 
  • Engaging pupils in Food and Nutrition lessons through the subject of Design and Technology. As part of Design and Technology, pupils take part in cookery lessons where they learn how to prepare nutritious meals. 
  • Offering pupils the opportunity to take part in a Cookery After School Club, where they can further develop their knowledge and skills in the area of Food and Nutrition. 
  • Encouraging our pupils to apply what they have learnt in school at home. Our pupils are rewarded for using their knowledge of nutrition and cookery skills to prepare healthy meals and snacks at home. 




  • Involving our parents/carers in promoting the health and wellbeing of their children through engaging parents in cookery workshops in partnership with Classroom Kitchen e.g. ‘Cooking Healthy Meals on a Budget’. 
  • Engaging pupils in an inclusive P.E. curriculum that serves to challenge pupils at their individual level. 
  • Offering pupils the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports through a variety of extra-curricular sporting activities. 
  • Encouraging pupils to incorporate activity as part of their day-to-day learning e.g. taking part in movement breaks (i.e. ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ and ‘Supermovers’) and as part of their leisure time in school e.g. running the daily mile track on our playground. 

We Care About Clean Air :: Bradford Schools Online

  • Developing our pupils understanding of wider health and being issues including the impact of air quality. St Anne’s intends to take part in a Liverpool City Council Project centered around air quality. As part of the project, children will be asked to be “air quality scientists” measuring their personal PM2.5 exposure during a school week. The data collected will be used to characterise the children’s exposure and will be integrated into educational sessions to change behaviour and raise awareness of air quality issues in the local area.